Pride Amsterdam

Nickie Nicole (she/her)


Text: Paul Hofman
photo: Leon Hendrickx
Video: Paradox Productions

Nickie Nicole: ‘See the best in yourself’ The first time Nickie Nicole (55) saw the Pride Amsterdam Canal Parade, he was ‘flabbergasted’. It is burned into his mind. ‘Completely different from the New York Pride I knew.’ ‘I remember it was a bright day. It was broadcast on television and everyone was talking about it. “I recently saw that boat trip on an old video tape.” It makes a deep impression on young Nickie. “It was pure magic. For me it was one big party: singing, dancing and drinking.’

As alter ego Nickie Nicole, Nicholas Carter from New York is quickly making a career. As a boy, he was fascinated by drag artists growing up in Greenwich Village. ‘When I was seventeen, I took the plunge myself.’ Nickie discovered the gay bars in New York’s nightlife and shortly afterwards became a much sought-after drag queen.

He was just twenty when he left America behind him and went to Europe. He discovers this city from Paris during a weekend in Amsterdam. He falls for the city where anything is possible and there is complete freedom for LGBTIQ+ people. Manfred Langer, the legendary owner of the then extremely popular pub Chez Manfred and the famous discotheque iT, discovered him when he saw Nickie perform. He can do his thing on stage in the iT. From that first performance he stole the hearts of the visitors.  A short time later he can also be seen in some gay cafes in the popular Regulierdwarsstraat. A number of gay bars in the nightlife scene also offer him a stage. Names such as Exit, Richter and Danscafé Havana are discussed. The Nickie Nicole Shows become a household name.

Nickie subsequently performed for many years at countless small and large festive occasions, receptions and openings. Something she still does with heart and soul. In the mid-1990s he gained national fame by participating in the television program De Travestie Show. It will be a ratings hit. The next day there is extensive discussion about the show at many coffee machines in the office. In her busy life she managed to open a clothing store for transvestites under the name Queens & Co. 

In 2000, Nickie appeared as a participant in the television program Big Brother VIPS.  In addition to performances, she later begins creating digitally created paintings, which are exhibited at various locations. Life smiles at Nickie. After the turn of the century, he returns to the States due to a personal tragedy. A death in his family needs his full attention.

In New York he misses Amsterdam. Two years later, Nickie decides to return and continue her career as a drag queen. As an ambassador, Nickie will passionately convey that ‘together means more than one’. Alone you may go faster, but together you will go further.’ In unadulterated Amsterdam: ‘Just keep working together.’

When we ask her what Pride Amsterdam means to her, she doesn’t hesitate for a second. ‘For me, Pride embodies (Stonewall and the pride of our community but at the same time also the victories we have achieved in the past, present and future). Especially proud of our loving allies, parents, teachers, neighbors, family and friends. To be proud of who you are and of those you love, and to express that love freely as a norm of life.

Nickie can now be seen as a jury member of the popular television program Make up your mind presented by Carlo Boszhard. It turned out to be a resounding success. “This is the fourth season that I have participated.” He receives a lot of admiration. His flamboyant appearance makes a big impression. Moreover, Nickie never minces words. ‘This is the third season that I have participated. It’s fantastic!’ Nickie is very concerned about the increasing violence against the LGBTQ+ community.

‘It is sad and painful to note this. Violence is a strong wake-up call that the journey to full acceptance is still long. Today, people and organizations increasingly understand, respect and support us. Yet it is very important that we unequivocally condemn and combat violence. Once again it is necessary to create our safe place together.’ Emphasizes: ‘We are on our way, but we are not there yet. However, I am confident that everything will work out in the end. Everyone is different, make time for each other. We are stronger when we are united.’ Nickie embraces the theme of Pride 2024 Together like no other. “Together we form one big rainbow family.”

‘Pride means that you can give a bold and colorful expression to your personality.’ I do my best during the ambassadorship to give joy, fun and happiness to the audience. I am very inspired by the diversity of the drag scene. Proud that I, as Nickie Nicole, can contribute to this.’ You can unequivocally say that thanks to Nickie’s efforts, drag has become a real art form. Her Pride motto to see the best in yourself will not go unheard during and after Pride.

Pride ambassador since 2024