Pride Amsterdam

Religious Pride

There have been activities with a religious character and/or on religious themes since the beginning of Pride. In 2016, during EuroPride, the forces were joined, but not officially under the flag of Pride Amsterdam. In 2020 we changed that with an official Religious Pride committee.

The committee is coordinated by Wielie Elhorst, LGBTI+ pastor in Amsterdam (Protestant Church Amsterdam). Other members are: Margo Merts-Tinga (Salvation Army regional officer), Alexander Yonathan de Vries (Jewish community Beit Ha’Chidush – Pride Shabbat), André van der Stoel (Valder Evangelical Lutheran Church Amsterdam), Erik van der Waal (Evangelical Pink Celebrations) and Alexander Noordijk (involved in WijdeKerk/Tafeltijd and pastor of the Protestant Congregation Monnickendam). Unfortunately, also this year it proved to be impossible to associate a queer Muslim representative within the committee.