Pride Amsterdam
Since 2014, the Pride Amsterdam Foundation has been organizing the annual Pride in Amsterdam with great success. The Pride Amsterdam Foundation is the spider in the web of organizations and companies that work together to create the festival. The following committees are involved in organizing the festival; Catering, Boat Parade, Pride Walk, Art & Culture, St. Pride & Sports, Women & Pride, Youth Pride, Senior Pride, Trans Pride, Religion Pride, Fetish Pride and Corporate Pride. The committees are committed to offering activities tailored to their target group and ensuring greater visibility of that same target group.
The Pride Amsterdam Foundation is a non-profit organization that strives for emancipation, social, societal and legal equality and acceptance of gays, bisexuals and lesbians and also for those who do not want or cannot conform to socially dominant gender roles (such as masculine women, feminine men and queers) or for whom the gender they were born with does not match how they feel (such as transgender people). To achieve this, visibility of diversity is necessary. What you see can’t be ignored.

Staff members

- Lucien Spee de Castillo Ruiz (Managing Director)
- Anita Beek (Office Management & Events)
- Marc Bartels (Canal Parade, Partnerships & Pride Business Club)
- Pim Strating (Office Assistant)
- Martijn Albers (Press & Communication)
- Patrick Vleeshouwers (Security and Crowdmanagement)
- Monique de Adelhart Toorop (Administration)
- Pieter Teepe (Festival manager)
- San van Es (stagiaire)
Committee Chairmen
- Marco Altena (Youth Pride, Student Pride, Junior Pride)
- Mirjam Preusterink (Sport Pride)
- Ilias Zian (Arts & Culture)
- Paul Rijpstra (Senior Pride)
- Camiel Welling (Trans Pride)
- Wouter Neerings (Corporate Pride)
- Cornald Maas (Canal Parade Jury)
- Stanley Starreveld-Doesburg (Fetish Pride)
- Wielie Elhorst (Religion Pride)
- Ronald Mol (Bi+ Pride)
- Sarah Ringoet (Women & Pride)
See here more info about our Pride commissions!
Board members

Current board (since 05-2020)
- Suzanne van de Laar (Chair)
- Joyce Priem (Treasurer)
- Geneviève Lieuw
- Huib Wurfbain
- Souad Boumedien
- Camiel Welling
Pride Ambassadors
Since 2013 Pride Amsterdam introduced, Pride Ambassadors. These ambassadors are role models for many in our community. Each with its own identity and responsive behaviour in a joint they stand for the versatility and colourfulness of our LGBTIQ + community. Every year the group is expanded with new faces, matching the theme of that year. Curious to know more about them? See here, Ambassadors.