Pride Amsterdam


In a world where division is taking up more and more space, love offers a powerful answer. For Pride 2025, the theme LOVE is central, not only as a symbol of romance, but also as a foundation for connection, understanding and solidarity. Love fascinates, binds, supports and conquers. LOVE is multifaceted and stands for, among other things, the attraction between people, the support that people can give each other and the never-ending fight for equal rights that is waged together. The announcement of the theme LOVE also marks the start of the preparations for the upcoming Pride Amsterdam 2025, including the 28th edition of the Canal Parade


“Love is not weakness; it is decisiveness. It is listening without judgement, and building a society in which diversity is not only tolerated but celebrated. Love is a choice, and Pride 2025 invites us to make that choice every day,” says Lucien Spee de Castillo Ruiz, executive director of Pride Amsterdam. “The exact content of the program will be announced in the spring, but as always, the Canal Parade will take place on the first Saturday of August. With the announcement of the theme, interested parties can now start preparing and register to participate in the Canal Parade from January 3, 2025.